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The grateful pigs give into Devin Franco and his thick dick as he barebacks both of their submissive holes. Completely bound in yards of restricting shrink wrap, Grant Ducati and a tied-up Lucas Leon are eagerly submitting to every twisted act dom Devin Franco puts them through. The master refuses to let him cum and proceeds to get off at how his big dick gradually wrecks the student's once-pristine asshole. After calling a number on a bathroom wall, a clueless Jim Fit finds himself chained up in a dark basement being toyed with by bearded dom Alpha Wolfe. From directors Devin Franco and Jasun Mark, this thriller follows two mysterious masters that are on the hunt for submissive bottoms willing to bend to their every whim. There's one specific van you should always be on the lookout for and if you see it on the 'Highway', just know that there's some naked college jock in there, and you can never be sure what's happening to him.

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Jim Fit, Alpha Wolfe, Lucas Leon, Devin Franco, Grant Ducati

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